Tea Leads to Workshop by FairyAnn

How I ended up facilitating my 1st Dragon Dreaming Workshop

I talk about Dragon Dreaming to everyone, especially to those actively engaged in the Great Turning, like my freinds at Abuela Gardens, now renamed Wansoh Forest Garden and Healing Sanctuary.

I was visiting for tea a week before Thanksgiving in Fall 2022, and was asked if I could do a mini version of Dragon Dreaming. We chose the upcoming Friendsgiving they were hosting on their land as the dream. In the course of a few hours I led a mini Dragon Dreaming process including a dreaming circle and a mini Karrabirdt.

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Amazingly everyone's dreams came true including finding fresh road kill venison, playing leap frog, and my dream of facilitating a weekend workshop.

At Friendsgiving I felt deeply inspired by the love of Earth and all her Elements. The initation of sacred fire, the honorable silence that expanded everyone's capacity to listen as a sacred feather passed through many dozens of hands lifting expressions of gratitude from each voice, the 4 tea cermonies occurring simultaneusly, and the feast of wild delights were the main hilights for me, topped off by meeting the amazing community of supporters for this dynamic expression of the Great Turning.

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A few months later I was facilitating an entire Dragon Dreaming weekend, spurred on by John Croft's open source message of go forth and teach what you've learned, I forged ahead without any 'certification' to teach what I love. I had 5 introductory workshops in my toolbox, and the expereince of co-creating two Dragon Dreaming Projects; 'Earth Unchurch' and 'Play Work Learn,' as well as decades of teaching, storytelling and political activism. I also had a team of Dragon Dreamers but it all happpened so fast I didn't even know what kind of help to ask for. I will be forever grateful to Blair & Cheyenne's trust to learn this amazing design tool, they totally get the win-win-win!

Their dream was to plan the next year's workshop series with abundance and progress. An 8 person dream team gathered in the yurt deepening their committement to each other and the Great Turning.

My only sadness is that I have been traveling all Summer to connect to my ancestral homelands for my 60th return and have not been able to participate in any of the workshops. So grateful for SocialMedia as it has been inspiring to witness all their success on Instagram I look forward to participating on my return and facilitaing future Dragon dreaming Workshops at WANOSH.

My favorite part of planning for this weekend consultation was creating my own Dragon Dreaming Medicine Wheel. I had recently migarted to the NorthWest Coast of Turtle Island leaving behind all my things in NYC including my Art supplies. I had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted to create woth natural materials, perhaps wood. On the way to a prayer circle I was envisioning the round wooden Dream, Plan, Do, and Celebrate placards for the wheel, thinking that maybe on of the High School's I had been substitue teaching in might let me use the wood shop to create them. The prayer circle was a beautiful meditative prayer for ourselves, each other and the world. Afterwards a woman who is a retired teacher (hence the abundance of art supplies) offered her Art Studio to the group. I told her about my project and vision. She said she had MANY light wooden rounds from cheese cases that she collects from grocery stores that I was welcome to use. And she lived 2 blocks away from where I was renting a room! It was as if her materials were calling out to me as I drove by on my way to the prayer circle. For the next few days I cut and pasted while listening to many videos of John Croft explaining the dragon Dreaming process .

As a hands on learner I embedded all my understandings and learning into the Dragon Dreaming Wheel Art. It's my way of honoring this amazing ancient system adapted to modern minds.


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I love Dragon Dreaming!!! When I joined the Dragon Dreaming Crash Course acilitated by Ravi and organized by Dragon Dreaming NYC, it as the first time that planning ever made any sense to me. It's the greatest AHA of my life. I believe it is an excellent tool for harnessing the best out of the two big 'ISMS' of the world, bridging the divide bewteen collective planning and individual iniative. It builds a new culture of win-win-win through thoughtful embodied active playful processes. If it's not fun, it won't get done, and perfcetion is the enemy of the good are two of my favorite Dragon Dreaming maxims. I love the celebration of AHAs, so they build and increase everyone's learning. We can create the word we dream of!!! Earthalujah!!!!

I'm stoked for the Dragon Dreaming 2024 tour being planned out by our Turtle Island Dragon Deaming group. After doing a whole workshop by myself, it's amazing to work together to build a tour to spread this Earth loving tool. We have roles along with our Karrabirdt created at our Summer '23 retreat as living documents fueling our leaderless orgaization. Reach out if you are interested.

